According to the United Nations, by the year 2050, a minimum of 9 billion people will live on planet earth. Population will increase; it is a simple fact with little, if anything, we can do to change it. What we can change is how we address the problems that will accompany this population growth. One of the inherent questions that comes with a rise in population is how we as people supply food to the entire population. This is not a new issue - the challenge has existed to feed the world for thousands of years, from nomadic societies becoming settled and domesticating plants, to the green revolution, to modern day. Nearly every time we have met the challenge head on.
However, over the next 35 years the earth will see a more rapid increase in population than ever before. Another 2 billion mouths will require feeding, with fewer and fewer resources to produce the needed food. Our current management techniques have drained natural resources. Earth’s climate is rapidly changing, and genetic advancements in crops have been slowed to a crawl by political turmoil. These problems can be solved as long as science is funded, implemented, and cost effective for farmers and the rest of us. My ELI is dedicated to researching the history of agriculture, explaining the difficulties in feeding nearly 10 billion people, and exploring the solutions that will create a happy and well-fed future.
~Isaac S.
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