Last semester I studied Stellar Astronomy, and I started out by saying that it was important because “one day we will need to go there.” In the future the sun will die and we will need to travel to another star. This semester I am continuing my studies in astrophysics, focusing on relativity, and I would like to make a different statement. Relativity is important because it already applies here, because relativity applies everywhere. Einstein's theory of special relativity can be summed up in one sentence. The rules of physics are the same for all reference frames. The laws are the same everywhere. They apply just as much on Earth as they do around black holes.
That sounds simple, but it actually means that Newtonian physics, and many of the common sense rules we’ve learned, are wrong. The implications of SR give us a whole new view of the universe. The second part of special relativity, which most people already know, is that the speed of light is constant. Since c (the speed of light) must remain the same, something else has to give, and that something is space and time. Space and time bend. We don’t notice it on Earth, because the effects are negligible at the slow speeds at which we travel. But near the speed of light, the effects become much more drastic.
Time dilation doesn’t make sense with our standard idea of time, but in this instance, it is the only explanation, so it must be true. The same phenomenon actually happens with the ball and the train, but we don’t notice because neither is going fast enough for the time dilation to matter. Time dilation is just one effect that occurs when objects move close to the speed of light, but understanding this is a good starting point to start trying to wrap our heads around the fact that reality is not what it appears.
~Sarah P.
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