Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Why, you ask? Why not?

Books are awesome. This is something that everyone with any taste can agree upon. However, the brutal laws of mathematics mean that no one can ever read all of them, nor does anyone want to. Everyone has their own specific tastes, their own favorite genres, authors, tropes, and endings. So, people want to find books that they will like, but the selection is huge. Thus, people filter out books to find the ones they want. Reviews are one of the best ways to do this. A well-written review by a reliable author can frequently help readers find new books that they would have never known about. Reviews are guides written for searchers who need more information to find their final destination.
None of that was what decided me in selecting my ELI topic. I am interested in all of the above, but what set me on this course was that I love writing. I write fanfics in math class, have dozens of short stories in various folders, and the forgotten husks of unfinished novels litter my hard drive. My nonfiction writing, on the other hand, is less practiced. I thought that this ELI would allow me to develop as a writer and give me a chance to improve my analytical abilities when it comes to reading as well. It has, but there is more to an ELI than just working on your topic. I, unfortunately, either forgot or repressed that. Still, things have been fun, if far more nerve wracking than last time I did this.

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